I am an avid developer who loves "Ah ha" moments and getting understanding. See some of my practice exercises and projects that I've worked on overtime below. Thank you for stopping by.
A simple app built with React to list all of the events that you need to do for the day, week, and month.
Like the game you used to play.
Can you turn out all of the lights and win? Give it a try. Built with React.
Dad jokes, don’t we love them. You don’t want to laugh but you kind of do, and you’re laughing at other people’s reaction or lack there of rather. Either way dig into these dad jokes, rate them and share with your friends. Uses React and icanhazdadjoke api.
A simple smart contract built following the EIP721 protocol and using the Open Zepplin platform for minting an NFT collection. In order to interact with this contract you should have an Ethereum browser and some gEth in your wallet to mint tokens.
A full scale crypto currency exchange built on the Ethereum block chain using Solidity, Web3 and React. I created this project as part of a tutorial from DAPP University.
A React app for calculating the amount of resistance in ohm’s in a resistor based on the color combination that is on the resistor.
A React.js app that allows users to lookup info on their favorite music artists and preview the artist’s catalog.
A React.js app that allows users to view and copy colors from a selection of multiple palettes.